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Early Withdrawals for Roth IRAs, Backdoor Roth IRAs, & Mega Backdoor Roth 401ks
Just like how the principal of Roth IRAs can be withdrawn tax-free & penalty-free, the same can be done with Backdoor Roth IRAs & Mega Backdoor Roth 401ks if certain rules are followed.
Protecting your Identity: Credit Freezes and Fraud Alerts
Freezing your credit across ALL 3 credit bureaus is one of the best ways to prevent people from opening fraudulent accounts in your name. In addition, if you’ve been the victim of identity theft, you can set up a fraud alert with the credit bureaus.
What is Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) and How Are ISOs Affected?
AMT, or Alternative Minimum Tax, is a secondary federal tax system parallel to the regular IRS tax system. Its purpose is to ensure taxpayers who receive too many deductions & tax breaks still pay a minimum amount of tax to the IRS.
An Overview of Qualified ESPPs (Employee Stock Purchase Plans)
Social Security benefits may be taxable depending on your income level in retirement, and if you decide to take SS early before your full retirement age, you may receive a reduction in benefits if you are still working.
Asset Location and Other Investment Portfolio Tax Considerations
This article discusses tax optimization techniques including asset location, potential adjustments for significant capital losses from tax loss harvesting and tax considerations for alternative investments.
Social Security Taxation & Avoiding Reduction of Benefits While Working
Social Security benefits may be taxable depending on your income level in retirement, and if you decide to take SS early before your full retirement age, you may receive a reduction in benefits if you are still working.